
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kyan Racine King

So as some of you know...and some of you may not, I have a good reason for my lack of posting lately!  Meet the newest addition to our family!  
Kyan Racine King, 7lb 15 oz, 21 1/2" .  He was born two weeks ago and is doing amazing!  
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little( ok not so little) family! 
 Here is my three boys!  Hanging out on the sofa...
 And little munchkin in daddy's arms!
I am doing my best to keep up with posting, but forgive me for not posting everyday!  We are still adjusting to having four kiddos, but I am sure things will fall in to place soon:)  


  1. CONGRATS! Hope everyone is doing well and adjusting to the new little one!

  2. Congratulations, Heidi! He's adorable! I love his name, too! :)

  3. Congratulations. He sure is a cutey :)

  4. He's just BEAUTIFUL, Heidi, as are all your kids. I'll be happy to see him in person soon!

