So my little niece Zamarah turned 3 and had her party this last weekend. She is a bittle obsessed with mermaids and so that was the theme of her party. And well since I have issues with themes and feel the need to make my gift wrap/card match it I was in a bit of trouble considering that I own NO mermaid sets. I don't really even have sea sets for the most part. So I knew I had to make it....
and here are the results. The head and body were punched out of card stock, but the rest was all hand cut from card stock. Added a few bubble pearls and seaweed. She actually seemed to love it, which I will take considering she is three and had gifts to enjoy. Below is the finish wrapping. I added some tulle because it seemed a bit like fish net and was perfect in color!
Hope you like it! Thanks for stopping by!
I LOVE this!!